\n {{ item.date | formatDate }} \n {{ item.action }}: \n
\n\n Preparing Shipment
\n {{auditShipStatus.prepared_at | formatDate}}\n
\n Collateral in Transit
\n {{auditShipStatus.ship_at | formatDate}}\n
\n Collateral Delivered
\n 0\">{{auditShipStatus.delivered_at | formatDate}}
\n 0 && auditShipStatus.delivered_at != null\" @click=\"visibleSpaceImg = true;imgIndex = viewImageReceived;\">View Image\n
\n {{auditShipStatus.courierName}} \n Courier Name: \n
\n\n {{auditShipStatus.trackingNumber}} \n Tracking Number: \n
\nHow to Shipped Collaterals
\nHow to Ship Collaterals
\n\n Step 1:\n Process the order\n
\nCreate/produce collaterals that need to be shipped. Ensure that they are properly printed and well-organized for shipping.
\n\n Step 2:\n Prepare packaging materials\n
\nEnsure you prepare the appropriate size box for the collaterals. Prepare sturdy boxes and bubble wraps for added protection.
\n\n Step 3:\n Package the order\n
\nPlace the collateral carefully in the box. The package must be tightly packed to prevent damage and movement during shipping. If not, fill in the empty spaces with filling materials (paper, Styrofoam balls, bubble wrap, etc.).
\n\n Step 4:\n Label and seal the package\n
\nLabel the package with the necessary information, such as the recipient's name, address, and contact details. Secure the package with tape to prevent accidental openings.
\n\n Step 5:\n Ship the package\n
\nChoose a reliable shipping provider. Take your package to the shipping provider and have it delivered to the recipient. Ensure that you take note of the tracking number and enter it into the Shipping Details section via Audit Space.
\n{{ space.type }}
\n {{ space.dimension }}Collateral Status: {{item.collateralStatus}}
\nPayment Status: {{item.paymentStatus == null ? \"--\":item.paymentStatus}}
\nFund Released: ₱ {{item.fundRelease == null ? 0 : item.fundRelease | toCurreny}}
\n\n Remarks: Your cancellation request is being processed, \n kindly wait for your cancellation status. If you have any questions or concerns please \n Contact Support\n
\nAmount Deducted: ₱ {{item.amountDeducted | toCurreny}}
\nAmount Released: ₱ {{item.amountReleased | toCurreny}}
\n\n Remarks: Your store rental for {{acceptedCancelTarpPlacement}} \n has been successfully approved. If you have any questions or concerns please Contact Support\n Contact Support\n
\n\n Remarks: Your cancellation request has been denied as it \n does not meet the necessary criteria. If you have any questions or concerns please\n Contact Support\n
\n \n \n\n Your initial request to cancel does not fit within the guidelines, please choose the remaining options below or please \n Contact Support to ask for assistance.\n
\n\n Please choose an action in the dropdown below:\n
\n Description:
\n Action by:\n {{viewActionBy}}\n
\nAre you sure?
\n\n \n Please note, you are required to resend marketing collaterals to the store. The contract will resume once the new collaterals reach the store.\n \n \n Once confirmed, your request will be processed. Please note that if your cancellation request is deemed appropriate, \n no cancellation fee will be deducted from your total holding balance.\n \n \n \n Please note that a total of ₱{{ monthlyRate * 2 }} from {{currentMonth}} & {{NextMonth}} will be deducted to your \n holding balance as your previous request to cancel did not fit the appropriate guidelines.\n \n
\n\n {{auditStoreInfo.businessType }}\n
\n\n Upto {{auditStoreInfo.duration}} months\n
\n\n {{auditStoreInfo.fullName}}\n
\n\n {{auditStoreInfo.mobileNumber}}\n
\n\n {{auditStoreInfo.fullAddress}}\n